So the latest is-I was making great progress and then all of the sudden I hit a wall on fat loss. This was super dis-heartening-as I am sure you can imagine. However, being a bull-headed, know-it-all, is sort of what I am all about, so I just changed up my diet (AGAIN). We'll see where that gets me over the next week or two. In fact, I am going to use the diet my training partner/best bud fixed up for me while getting ready for my High School reunion last summer. I easily stripped down to 124 with way less effort than I am putting forth now. It includes lots more carbs, with a slight reduction in protien to make up for the calories. I can keep switching this thing up until the last two weeks; that's when it has either worked or not. If not, I may need to consider hiring someone to do a diet for me again. I don't know, maybe nearing 40 has just changed my ability to burn off fat to the point where I need a totally new diet. Maybe I am not working hard enough; I won't lie, that is a possibility. There is so much going on in other areas of my life it is very difficult to give this the attention that it requires. BUT, I will continue on for now. I still have time and I am not that bad off.
I don't have a whole set of pictures for "before", but I took a couple of myself this morning:

My mid section is coming in fine. I am happy with the progress there. I was looking at some progress photos from my last competition at about the same weeks out and it really looks like I am in about the same condition-fat wise-so that was good news. Awesomely though, it seems there is a chance I am going to be competing at a much higher weight than previously. I have always weighed in around 114 when competing. If I had to guess at this point I will probably be closer to 118-120 on stage this time. I knew I had put on some size since my previous adventure, but I didn't know it was going to be like 5 pounds. That is really great! It's nice when hard work pays off :) As an aside-that arm shot just doesn't do justice to my progress in that area. My arms look great. My tri's are coming in fantastic and my shoulders are awesome-although shoulders are my best body part by far-so they always look good.
The one thing I have completely blown off (oh and it WILL come back to haunt me) is the routine. I must get my music and the routine picked out. I don't even know if it is a 60 or 90 second routine. I can't pick a song. I love "Something in Your Mouth", a song off the new Nickleback album, but the connotations of the song might be a little much. I always lean toward AC/DC-they just rock. Paul would like me to do it to "Ballbreaker" which is amusing to me-plus it is a little slower than the Nickleback song, which makes it easier to pose to. I like "Thunderstruck" too. I mean really......that's what I'm talking about, right :) Last time I did Silvertide-which I could do again and would mean I wouldn't have to come up with a new routine-but that seems boring. I want a new routine and song. I just don't want the work. So sad. I was also looking at "Back in Black" I already have that song cut the way I want it for a routine. I was planning a routine to that cut the last time I was on stage. Then I opted to stay with what I already had at the last minute.....for exactly this reason. I procrastinated to the last minute then too. Grrrr. Stop it!
For the most part my attitude has been ok. I'm sure I have been a little more grumpy at times, but honestly, overall, I feel like I am only tired more so than bitchy. That is good news for my family and clients :) I have only had one or two days where I have really just wanted to punch everyone who talks to me. I should really be easy to get along with now since I am changing up the diet to include more carbs for a while. That is usually where the issue comes in-no or super low carbs makes you so foggy it is hard to function, which in turn just makes people more irritating.
The workouts are going just fine. I have little to report there except I am training very heavy and very hard. I rarely have issue with the training. That is the part I really love. I love getting stronger. I love looking fit. I love lifting weights-it makes me feel powerful!
Don't forget-"Winners do what losers won't!"